Tips to Decorate a Console Table

My first tip is to make it your own. Do not worry about any of the design rules that are out there. I am simply going to give you the information and tips on how I create my console table decor. However, you are the expert at your own home decor, make it your own, and do what you love.

Add an Anchor Piece

I use either a piece of art or a mirror for my anchor each time. I like to layer on top of the anchor piece with art. This gives the table dimension.

Faux or Real Florals

Adding in faux or real florals helps to give the space some texture. I would ideally like to have real stems each time I decorate; however, that is not always realistic. Therefore, I have linked some of my very favorites at the bottom for you. You can click on the image to shop.

Less is More

Sometimes if you have too many items on the console table, the beautiful decor can get lost. Try to display the pieces that you love the most, and remember you can always redecorate with other items at a different time. You are not tied to those pieces forever.