Believe it or not, cleaning is something I find relaxing. Now don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of home tasks that I do not like to do. If I could just do the daily items I have listed I would be happy, with the exception of laundry of course.

I am one of those crazies that like the house to be in complete order before I do anything else. I like to start my day with the items on the daily list. It makes me feel better, especially since I work from home. A clean environment is so much more inviting.
Many of these items are things you are already doing around your home; however, many of them can be changed to other times. For example, if you cook a lot (I do not) then you would probably want to clean your stove top and microwave more frequently than monthly. It is really just personal preference and how much you are using an item.
Feel free to download the checklist and save to Pinterest!