This home is a jaw dropper. I was able to go on the Rockwall Christmas Tour of Homes this past year, and when we pulled up to the home on Ivy Lane I died. Okay, dramatic I know, but seriously y’all. This home is unbelievable down to every little detail. Stephanie and her husband Matt were extremely creative when they were building this modern farmhouse that sits in the most adorable neighborhood in the heart of downtown Rockwall.

I am not exaggerating when I say that they should have their own design show on HGTV or be featured in a magazine on home design. Every feature in this home was taken into account and has a purpose. As I toured the home, I was trying not to drool as I marveled at the beauty of every detail.

The even more crazy part about this thing is that Stephanie and Matt built the home themselves. Stephanie found exactly what she wanted in a home, drew up some plans herself, took them to an architect for some tweaking and voilà. Can you even?! Then, to make things even better, she didn’t hire a designer to do any of the decorating…she’s really good at that too.
Your decor is absolutely amazing. The way you have curated your home should be featured on HGTV or in House Beautiful magazine. How long did it take you to find all of the special pieces you have in your home currently?
I started buying pieces for this home before we even started our house plans. I had found a few pieces and designed our home to fit those specific pieces. Other than that, I just buy things I like when I see them and work them into the space.
Your pups are absolutely adorable, any tips for having a clean, gorgeous but dog friendly space?
Oh goodness! Those 3 pups definitely rule the roost around here! We have a “dog room” under our stairs for them to hang out in when we aren’t home. It has access to their dog yard so they can go in and out as they wish! I recommend artificial grass for the dog yard. This helps eliminate mud and dead grass being brought in on rainy days or during the winter months when the grass is brown and dry. Otherwise, they are in charge around here and there aren’t many places they aren’t allowed!!
What space in your home is your most favorite to decorate and why?
This is a tough one. I have a few favorites for different reasons. I laundry room is my favorite room because of its a beautiful space but it’s so stinking functional and serves so many purposes in our home. Our son Jackson’s room is probably my favorite as far as decor. I’m not really sure why, lol, I just love his space so much. It has cool unique pieces that add so much character and uniqueness to his space. My foyer is my all time favorite though. This is the space that gives our home it’s unique character that help our home feel like an actual “old” home. I wanted to design a modern home but keep the authentic feel of the time and style we were hoping to achieve.
Your home is so well put together, every piece looks like it is perfectly in its place. If someone wanted to try and recreate your style (which would be nearly impossible), what would you tell them your decor aesthetic is?
I think my home is just pretty traditional, simple, timeless(I hope). I tried to steer clear of super trends and go for a classic style. I sprinkled some trend in (ex. My fiddle leaf fig tree) to keep things current but it’s pretty minimal. I believe in doing whatever you love regardless of trend. Your home should be a reflection of you and your family’s personality, style, and needs. Ours is definitely all of those things.
What is next on your home to-do list for Blooming Ivy Lane?
I am working on my garden shed currently. Hoping to share that soon! But first, vacation!!! This fall, I will be working on our kids game/bunk room! Super excited to share that space when it’s finished!
Where can we follow you on social media to see all of your beautiful home content?
We share our home on Instagram @bloomingivylane and you can see all the inspiration by following Blooming Ivy Lane on Pinterest!